Understanding the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment
Learning Activity
The Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments are the comprehensive end-of-year assessments in English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics that are aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics and measure progress toward college and career readiness. The tests capitalize on the strengths of computer adaptive testing—efficient and precise measurement across the full range of achievement and timely turnaround of results. Let's explore more on the topic of Smarter Balance Summative Assessments.
- Create a free account and log into the Digital Library of the Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium
- Filter for Formative Assessment Attributes.
- Locate the module titled Understanding the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment.
- After reviewing the module, complete the following assignment.
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