UDL: Engagement - Effort and Persistence
Learning Activity
Many kinds of learning, particularly the learning of skills and strategies, require sustained attention and effort. When motivated to do so, many learners can regulate their attention and affect in order to sustain the effort and concentration that such learning will require. However, learners differ considerably in their ability to self-regulate in this way. Their differences reflect disparities in their initial motivation, their capacity and skills for self-regulation, their susceptibility to contextual interference, and so forth.
A key instructional goal is to build the individual skills in self-regulation and self-determination that will equalize such learning opportunities (see Self Regulation). In the meantime, the external environment must provide options that can equalize accessibility by supporting learners who differ in initial motivation, self-regulation skills, etc.
In this activity, we will dive deeper into the UDL Framework Guideline, Engagement and learn more about sustaining effort and persistence.
Visit the UDL Framework CAST site and read the four checkpoints for Sustaining Effort and Persistence:
- Heighten salience of goals and objectives
- Vary demands and resources to optimize challenge
- Foster collaboration and community
- Increase mastery-oriented feedback
UDL Guidelines: Engagement - Sustaining Effort and Persistence
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