Using Podcasts for Student Listening Practice

274 Learners | 275 Completed Lessons | 138 Hours of Learning Time

Learning Activity

In this activity, you will learn about using podcasts in the classroom for student listening practice. You'll listen to an example of a short classroom podcast. You will also explore a variety of podcasts that can be incorporated into various content areas. 

1. Review the slide below to get familiar with using podcasts in the classroom.

2. Explore the website to find a podcast appropriate for your grade-level/content.

3. Write a brief reflection sharing the podcast you found (on or any other source) and how you plan to use it with your students. 


1. Review the slide linked below to get familiar with the intent and application of using podcasts in your classroom.

2. Explore the website to find a podcast appropriate for your grade-level/content.

3. Write a brief reflection sharing the podcast you found (on or any other source) and how you plan to use it with your students. 

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