Virtual Collaboration

101 Learners | 101 Completed Lessons | 76 Hours of Learning Time

Learning Activity

Collaborate with someone from another district site on a unit/lesson/project.  This could be someone who teaches the same subject/grade as you or someone who teaches something totally different.  This could be someone at a different school site or another district.

Host a virtual collaboration on Zoom or Meet and capture your ideas!

More Professional Learning Communities and Networks (PLC / PLN) Activities

Quickly deploy Professional Learning Communities and Networks (PLC / PLN) lessons to your entire district.

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 50 | Time 00:30

Points 75 | Time 00:30

Points 100 | Time 01:00

Points 50 | Time 00:20

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 50 | Time 00:30

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 75 | Time 00:45

Points 75 | Time 00:45

Points 100 | Time 01:00

Points 50 | Time 00:30

Points 75 | Time 00:45

Points 50 | Time 00:30

Points 75 | Time 00:40

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 75 | Time 00:45

Points 75 | Time 00:45

Points 50 | Time 00:25

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 100 | Time 01:00

Points 75 | Time 00:45

Points 25 | Time 00:10

Points 50 | Time 00:30

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 100 | Time 01:00

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