PLC's: How are they Effective?

815 Learners | 818 Completed Lessons | 205 Hours of Learning Time

Learning Activity

Professional learning has throughout educational history in the United States been designed in a top-down structure. This way of designing learning opportunities treats the educator as a person who will be trained to perform a certain set of predetermined strategies to increase student growth. In fact, we don't normally use the term learning; instead, we use the term development. 

Below is a list of PLC Traits:

  • collaborative learning to increase student achievement

  • administrative support (time & empowerment) 

  • norms of mutuality, community & equality 

  • reflective dialogue on curriculum, instruction & student development 

  • critical dialogue that encourages risk-taking and sharing 

 Watch the two videos below and reflect on your PLC takeaways.


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Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 50 | Time 00:30

Points 75 | Time 00:30

Points 100 | Time 01:00

Points 75 | Time 00:45

Points 50 | Time 00:20

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Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 50 | Time 00:30

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 75 | Time 00:45

Points 75 | Time 00:45

Points 100 | Time 01:00

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Points 50 | Time 00:30

Points 75 | Time 00:40

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Points 25 | Time 00:15

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Points 75 | Time 00:45

Points 50 | Time 00:25

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Points 100 | Time 01:00

Points 75 | Time 00:45

Points 25 | Time 00:10

Points 50 | Time 00:30

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 100 | Time 01:00

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