What is Simulcast in Hybrid Learning?

26 Learners | 26 Completed Lessons | 7 Hours of Learning Time

Learning Activity

Simulcasting is OPTIONAL. 

Simulcast means each class session and activity is offered in-person and synchronously online. The teacher is providing live instruction to students in the classroom and in the video conference at the same time.

If you choose to try a Simulcast lesson, a first goal should be to ensure that students online can see and hear you, and you can see and hear them.  Later you might try creating breakout rooms where each breakout has at least one in-person student, so students at-home can have meaningful discourse with students in the room.

Lesson Design Example

Direct Instruction - Lecture / Think-aloud, etc

(I do)

In-person students, listening, following along (whether online or not)

Online students receive instruction in video conference, simultaneously as teacher is teaching students in the classroom and that is broadcast into the Zoom/Meet.

Response to Instruction

In-person students participate in socially-distanced Think-Pair-Share

(Screens down)

Students in Video Conference could Think-Chatbox Share - Use Chatbox Waterfall method so students type out, but don't submit responses until teacher says to. Chat will be visible, projected in the classroom unless teacher hides/closes chat.  Decide when you want in-person students to see chat responses (after their think-pair-share?)


Watch a Hybrid Class in Action (Vimeo on linked page)


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