Hour of Code: Create your Hour of Code Plan

15 Learners | 15 Completed Lessons | 8 Hours of Learning Time

Learning Activity

Now you know whether you are going to choose a specific activity or let you students choose their own, you can get planning for how your Hour of Code session will run. 

Think about your Tech needs - what do you need for your activities? 

  • Are the activities computer-based or are they unplugged?
  • Will the students be working in pairs? 
  • Test your equipment for sound and/or video. Do you require headphones for students? If so, are you providing, or will they bring their own?
  • Are there any other things you need to plan or prepare for to ensure your Hour of Code session runs smoothly?

How will you get your Hour of Code session strong?

  • See the resources below to explore inspirational videos, 
  • Plan an opening discussion on how we use technology in most parts of our lives. 

Consider what your students will do if they finish their activity within the hour

  • Explore and complete further activities
  • Help their peers


Create your Hour of Code Plan

Tools and Tips to start your Hour of Code session strong

Invite a local volunteer to inspire your students by talking about the breadth of possibilities in computer science. There are thousands of volunteers around the world ready to help with your Hour of Code through either a classroom visit or video chat with your students!

Show an inspirational video

  • The original Code.org launch video, featuring Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and NBA star Chris Bosh. (There are 1 minute, 5 minute, and 9 minute versions available)
  • Find more inspirational resources and videos.

It’s okay if both you and your students are brand new to computer science. Here are some ideas to introduce your Hour of Code activity:

  • Explain ways that technology impacts our lives, with examples both boys and girls will care about (talk about saving lives, helping people, connecting people, etc.).
  • As a class, list things that use code in everyday life.
  • See tips for getting young women interested in computer science here.

More Hour of Code Activities

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Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 25 | Time 00:15

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Points 75 | Time 01:00

Points 25 | Time 00:15

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