Hour of Code: Promote your Session
Learning Activity
Now that you've planned your event, it's time to start promoting it!
Tell your School and Community
- Promote the Hour of Code to other teachers who may want to join in on the fun! This is also a great opportunity to reach out to your school’s PTSA or share in parent newsletters, letting them know their children may come home wanting to try more activities and tutorials!
Let Volunteers Know by Registering Your Event
- When you register your Hour of Code event, you’ll receive helpful email communications with news and tips for hosting a successful Hour of Code. It’s also how you can let local volunteers know your school is participating. Volunteers are a great resource and can come speak to your class about computer science or simply help your students with Hour of Code activities.
Get your Students Excited
- Lead up to the event by sharing inspirational videos highlighting diverse people and creative ways that computer science can be used. Or print inspirational posters for your classroom! Students are more excited to participate in a subject when they see people who look like them encouraging it.
More Hour of Code Activities
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