AB1584: Overview

29 Learners | 29 Completed Lessons | 5 Hours of Learning Time

Learning Activity

The Assembly Bill 1584 was introduced in California in order to specifically target contractst between educational agencies and third-party software vendors. Alongside COPPA and FERPA, this bill was designed to help support the growing issue of student data privacy.

Explore the resources to learn more and then answer the questions below. 


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Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 25 | Time 00:25

Points 100 | Time 01:00

Points 25 | Time 00:15

Points 25 | Time 00:10

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Points 25 | Time 00:10

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