Power of Relationships

28 Learners | 28 Completed Lessons | 7 Hours of Learning Time

Learning Activity

Our interactions, relationships and community norms influence the social, emotional and academic success of our students.  

The relational philosophy of restorative practices and explicit restorative approaches (proactive and responsive) allow for supportive learning environments that foster social connectedness, inclusion and belonging.  

 After reviewing the videos, how do you think you can cultivate a relationship centered learning environment within your classroom.


This video from Atlanta Speech School shows a little boys interactions with the adults he encounters at school throughout the day.  The first part of the video models negative communication approaches that sometimes happen. The second part of the video models positive communication approaches that typically happen.

This video produced by Edutopia in collaboration with the National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development shows how relationships within the learning environment impact the academic success of students.

Video: Build Relationships with Your Students

In this video, Educator, Rita Pierson implores teachers to build relationships with their students. She provides examples of how she instilled pride in her students and helped to improve their self-esteem and academic achievement.

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