The Fundamentals of Restorative Practices
Learning Activity
The theory and practice of Restorative Practices is an approach that allows schools to focus on prevention, intervention, and support. This focus reduces the reliance on the traditional practice of discipline, which history shows has only led to negative student outcomes.
Restorative practices fosters a sense of community and cultivates relationships. The processes provide opportunities for students to express their feelings, build relationships and solve problems. When there is wrongdoing, Restorative Practices allows students an opportunity to address the wrong and make things right.
This slide deck is a basic introduction to the fundamentals of restorative practices. It highlights how to set high expectations while engaging "with" students in a supportive way. It shows how to use affective questions and statements to provide feedback and ask questions that cultivate an environment of accountability. It also shows how to use restorative questions, small impromptu conferences, and circles to foster a positive school climate, repair harm, and resolve conflict.
Fundamentals of Restorative Practices
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