The Role of Student and Family Engagement
Learning Activity
When schools and families work together toward their common goal of helping all children to be successful, their partnership produces positive outcomes for children, schools, diverse populations, and teacher-parent relationships. In their discussion of the foundations for engaging families in PBIS, Garbacz, Witte, & Houck (2017) frame PBIS as a vehicle that "presents an opportunity to extend evidence-based positive behavior support strategies to the home and establish environmental congruence (Crosnoe, 2015) so children are exposed to consistent and predictable positive environments within and across their primary settings." Families can provide school personnel with valuable insights and information about how their children learn best and the types of environmental supports they need. School personnel can provide families with evidence-based methods for at-home support of their children's learning and developing their children's academic and social skills development.
Your task is to read chapter two of the 'Aligning and Integrating Family Engagement in PBIS' PDF linked in the Resources section.
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