Wraparound-Based Plan Development

36 Learners | 36 Completed Lessons | 9 Hours of Learning Time

Learning Activity

Wraparound is "an ongoing process of comprehensive planning and intervention in need of individualized, intensive supports that involve systems (e.g., public health, mental health, medical, foster care, juvenile justice, etc.) beyond the school, family, and student" (OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, 2017). A core tenant is flexibly arranged services and supports that meet the unique needs of the students and their families. 

The wraparound plan development process has four phases: 

  1. Engagement and Team Prep 
  2. Initial Plan Development 
  3. Implementation 
  4. Transition. 

Explore the 'Resource Guide to Wraparound' PDF link in the Resources section to learn more about these phases and their components. 


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