PBIS for Students with EBD

157 Learners | 157 Completed Lessons | 65 Hours of Learning Time

Learning Activity

Emotional and Behavior Disorders (EBD) encompass several distinct diagnoses in which one or more of five characteristics are displayed.

Students with EBD face several difficulties that can hamper their success academically, socially, and outside of school. Research on interventions for students with EBD notes that Zero Tolerance policies can be harmful to such students.

Research also suggests that tiered intervention systems such as PBIS and RtI are effective in supporting such students because instruction and interventions that are closely coordinated with the needs of individual students, the use of data-driven decision-making, and the delineation of student support along multiple tiers of interventions (Hanover Research, 2012).

For this activity, review the 'Impacting Classrooms for Students with EBD' presentation linked in the Resources section. 

Next, find and share a resource that you can use to better support students with EBD in a PBIS implementation. This can be anything from a research paper examining classroom management strategies to a presentation sharing PBIS best practices when interacting with students with EBD. 


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