Transformative Emotional IntELLigence and the Resilient EL Educator - EL (PK-12)
Learning Activity
In this eye-opening workshop, participants learn about Transformative Emotional Intelligence (TEI) and the positive impact it has on teacher resilience and emotional well-being. With real talk and self-awareness as it pertains to teaching in our present climate and post Covid19, participants engage in four strategic techniques that introduce TEI to help achieve meaningful growth and change, bring out individual potential for intelligent self-direction and new behaviors that lead to a stronger healthier classroom culture and community.
While viewing jot notes to record your ideas about how you can apply what you are learning to your online classroom. Decide which strategies you would like to apply in the next few weeks of instruction and write a short reflection.
VirtuEL 2020 Conference Presentation for K-12 by Dorina Sackman-Ebuwa
Transformative Emotional IntELLigence & the Resilient EL Educator: Now & When
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