Supporting Multilingual Families from a Distance and Beyond - EL (K-12)

117 Learners | 118 Completed Lessons | 59 Hours of Learning Time

Learning Activity

This session will discuss the Three R's of Multilingual Family Engagement during online learning as discussed in my recent contribution to Confianza. Relationships, Resources, and Response are critical in how we interact with parents. This session will give you a tool kit to support you in supporting families beyond online learning.

View the  webinar:

VirtuEL 2020 Conference Presentation for K-12 by Mrs. Said

Supporting Multilingual Families From a Distance and Beyond (26:50)

While viewing jot notes to record your ideas about how you can apply what you are learning to your online classroom. 

Decide which strategies you would like to apply in the next few weeks of instruction and write a short reflection.


VirtuEL 2020 Conference Presentation for K-12 by Mrs. Said

Supporting Multilingual Families From a Distance and Beyond (26:50)

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