Virtual Fishbowl Teacher and Student Discourse Moves - EL (6-8)
Learning Activity
We know that multilingual students strengthen both content and language development by actively participating in rich oral discourse. We will be discussing the language that students need to engage and inquire in digital classrooms by examining student and teacher discourse moves. We will unpack this particular dimension of language by using WIDA research-based practices. Together we will explore using a virtual fishbowl to empower students to participate while also raising metalinguistic awareness about how we communicate together in a virtual environment.
View the webinar.
VirtuEL 2020 Conference Presentation for 6-8 by Cristiane Howard
Virtual Fishbowl: Student & Teacher Discourse Moves (16:16)
While viewing jot notes to record your ideas about how you can apply what you are learning to your online classroom. Explore the website resources, Resource 1, Resource 2. Decide which strategies you would like to apply in the next few weeks of instruction and write a short reflection.
VirtuEL 2020 Conference Presentation for 6-8 by Cristiane Howard
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