Cultivating Curiosity with Question Formulation Technique - EL (K-12)

211 Learners | 212 Completed Lessons | 212 Hours of Learning Time

Learning Activity

Pre-school students ask hundreds of questions a day, but by middle school many have stopped asking questions at all. Experience the Question Formulation Technique, an innovative strategy that re-ignites students’ natural curiosity and imagination online or face to face. This session is for teachers who work with language learners at all grade levels and in all content areas.

View the webinar.

VirtuEL 2020 Conference Presentation for K-12 by Beth Skelton

Cultivating Curiosity with Question Formulation Technique (32:26)

While viewing jot notes to record your ideas about how you can apply what you are learning to your online classroom.  View the website, Related Resources, and explore how you can build your own Padlet QFT.  Decide which strategies you would like to apply in the next few weeks of instruction and write a short reflection. 


Related Resources

VirtuEL 2020 Conference Presentation for K-12 by Beth Skelton

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