Raising their Voices - EL (6-8)
Learning Activity
Using read-aloud non-linear texts with secondary ELLs to guide them to write their own dual language vignettes. By using texts that honor cultural voices, students are engaged and motivated to share their own stories in short form that is not intimidating but requires higher order creativity and writing skill.
View the webinar.
VirtuEL 2020 Conference Presentation for 6-8 by Michelle Van Balkom
Raising their Voices (18:24)
While viewing jot notes to record your ideas about how you can apply what you are learning to your online classroom. Decide which strategies you would like to apply in the next few weeks of instruction and write a short reflection.
VirtuEL 2020 Conference Presentation for 6-8 by Michelle Van Balkom
Raising their Voices (18:24)
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