MTSS: What is MTSS?
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Multi-Tiered Support System (MTSS) is a comprehensive, data-driven instructional framework for supporting struggling students through interventions and supports. This framework provides support for students' academic growth & achievement, behavior, social and emotional needs, and absenteeism. This system includes three tiers of support:
Tier 1: Universal Support
This tier provides interventions and supports that help all students. Once the universal supports are in place, staff determine which students require more support using data-collection and progress monitoring. The support this tier provides is considered effective if at least 75-80% of students are meeting the academic and behavioral benchmarks set.
Tier 2: Selected Support
This tier provides interventions and supports to students that data indicates need selected supports in addition to universal support (Public Schools of North Carolina). The support this tier provides is considered effective if at least 70-80% of students are meeting the academic and behavioral benchmarks set. Approximately 20% of students may need Tier 2 interventions and supports.
Tier 3: Intensive Support
This tier provides interventions and supports to students that data indicates need intensive support in addition to selected and universal support (Public Schools of North Carolina). The support this tier provides is considered effective if the student shows marked improvement in the areas for which they're receiving support. Approximately 5% of students may need Tier 3 interventions and supports.
MTSS: What You Need to Know
Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Factsheet NCDPI Curriculum and Instruction
Implementing a Multi-Tiered System of Support for Behavior: Recommended Practices for School and District Leaders
MTSS Implementation Components
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Frequently Asked Questions
Multi-Tiered System of Supports
Colleen Riley: What is a Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS)?
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