MTSS: Exploring MTSS, RTI and PBIS
Learning Activity
Multi-Tiered Support System (MTSS) is a comprehensive, data-driven instructional framework for supporting struggling students through interventions and supports. This framework provides support for students' academic growth & achievement, behavior, social and emotional needs, and absenteeism. This system includes three tiers of support: Tier 1 (Universal Support); Tier 2 (Selected Support); and Tier 3 (Intensive Support). The population of students supported and how becomes more specific as the tiers increase. This is to account for the students who need to receive a more intensified degree of support than a lower-level tier can provide (e.g., a student moving from Tier 2 to Tier 3).
Within this framework of MTSS, there are several a few specific systems that are utilized depending on the area of intervention or support that a student needs.
Response to Intervention (RtI)
RtI is a system within the MTSS framework that focuses on supporting students' academic needs using evidence-based, high-quality instruction. Using assessments, progress monitoring, and data-driven decision making, struggling students are identified early on and given instructional interventions to prevent them from falling too far behind academically. Like MTSS, RtI has three tiers: Tier 1 (Whole Class); Tier 2 (Small Group Interventions); and Tier 3 (Intensive Interventions). A student will receive more specialized instructional interventions and supports in a higher tier based on their individual needs.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
PBIS is a school-wide system that focuses on improving school safety and promoting positive behavior. In PBIS, appropriate behavior is taught to students using behavioral expectations that are framed in a positive manner (e.g., “Be respectful” instead of “Don’t talk back”). Like MTSS, RtI has three tiers: Tier 1 (Primary Prevention); Tier 2 (Secondary Prevention); and Tier 3 (Tertiary Prevention). Like MTSS & RtI, a student will receive more specialized interventions and supports in a higher tier based on their individual needs.
MTSS Resources
MTSS: What You Need to Know
RTI Resources
Understanding Response to Intervention
At a Glance: 3 Tiers of RTI Support
Using the RTI Model for Disruptive and Difficult Student Behaviors, Grades K-6
Response to Intervention (R.T.I.)
PBIS Resources
System Differences & Similarities
Difference between MTSS, RtI/PBIS , & Deeper Look at RtI (C) NYASP
RTI and MTSS: Do You Know the Difference Between These Support Systems?
FOI 2018 - MTSS, RtI, PBIS & Inclusion: Similarities and Differences:
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