PBIS and MTSS Fundamentals

PBIS and MTSS Fundamentals

1660 Learners | 9972 Completed Lessons | 2478 Hours of Learning Time

Teach Your Students to SOAR with PBIS and MTSS

Educators know that student behavior impacts learning. That's why progressive schools nationwide are implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) frameworks to set clear expectations that encourage positive student behaviors. 

With PBIS, you can create a thriving classroom culture where students are intrinsically motivated to meet high standards. The framework uses a 3-tiered support system to provide universal, targeted, and intensive interventions based on each student's needs. This data-driven approach allows you to identify behavioral challenges early and respond with appropriate support.  

At the Tier 1 level, all students benefit from clear expectations (anchored by mnemonics like SOAR – Stay Safe, Own your Actions, Achieve Goals, and Respect Others), acknowledgment systems to recognize positive behaviors, and access to PBIS Rewards. This universal support works for approximately 80-90% of students.

For students who need more support, PBIS World offers a toolkit of Tier 2 interventions like Check In/Check Out routines, social skills groups, and daily progress reports. And for students with chronic or intense behavioral challenges, Tier 3 offers individualized support plans and wraparound services.

While PBIS handles the behavioral element, Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is the overarching framework that also addresses academic and social-emotional growth through timely interventions. With an MTSS Coordinator guiding implementation, you can leverage an integrated data system to quickly identify student needs across all three domains and respond with appropriate, differentiated support. 

The end goal is creating a pyramid of interventions where the majority of students have their needs met through best-first classroom instruction while only a small percentage require intensive, individualized support. This creates sustainable systems that enable all students to thrive.

Let Alludo equip your school with PBIS and MTSS Fundamentals training to begin building a culture where students SOAR both academically and behaviorally.

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