MTSS: MTSS Core Component 1 - Differentiated Instruction

267 Learners | 267 Completed Lessons | 111 Hours of Learning Time

Learning Activity

Differentiated instruction is a core component of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). Differentiation is a flexible approach that allows teachers to tailor their instruction to the individual needs of their students, such as their learning styles, interests, strengths, and readiness levels. This can include varying assignments, adapting lessons, and providing different ways for students to demonstrate their understanding. 

Differentiation is a refinement of curriculum and instruction, not a substitute. Teachers should ensure that students receive differentiated instruction before being referred to more intensive interventions. In an MTSS, students who don't achieve adequate results with differentiated instruction may receive additional support through a tiered intervention system:
  • Tier 1: Differentiated core instruction
  • Tier 2: Supplemental instruction
  • Tier 3: Intensive instruction 
Universal screening data can help teachers identify students who need additional support and determine the effectiveness of Tier 1 instruction. Teachers can also use strategies like Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to apply flexible instruction in the classroom on a daily basis. 

In this activity, you will explore resources related to the first core component of High-Quality, differentiated classroom instruction.  


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