PBIS: Correcting Behavior and Giving Support

387 Learners | 387 Completed Lessons | 97 Hours of Learning Time

Learning Activity

Having expectations, routines, and procedures in place is a proactive way of getting out in front of potential behaviors that may occur during classroom learning. When disruptions do occur, clearly restating the expectation and having a plan to speak with the student individually can help students learn behavior in a way that clearly communicates what we expect to see in our class whether it be in-person or online. 

Explore Tier 1 and Tier 2 of PBIS Supports and list at least 2 ideas you took away from each Tier that can help you support students and their behavior.

Next, click on the pbisworld.com and click on a behavior. Upload a screenshot of the list of interventions it gives for that behavior.


Tier 1 Examples of Behavior Interventions and Supports

PBIS Tier 2

Examples of Tier 2 Practices

PBIS world.com

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