PBIS: Tier 3 Staff Handbook

58 Learners | 58 Completed Lessons | 15 Hours of Learning Time

Learning Activity

An element of a robust professional development program for Tier 3 supports is a resource readily available to assist and inform staff should questions arise. 

Read 'Chapter 9: Effective Professional Learning' linked in the Resources section. When you're done, review the 'Tier 3 Staff Handbook Organizer' that's also linked in the Resources section.

If your school does not have a Tier 3 Staff Handbook at this point, answer the following questions:

  • What do you already have available that can be added to your Tier 3 Staff
  • Who will be responsible for adding/updating your Tier 3 Staff Handbook? 
  • How will staff access the handbook (e.g., hard copies, electronic copies, etc.)?

If your school has a Tier 3 Staff Handbook, complete the 'Tier 3 Staff Handbook Organizer' below. The organizer can be found on the Word or Google Docs links below or on page 17 of Chapter 9. Upload the completed organizer or a photo of the completed organizer if you printed it out.


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