Learning Activity
The NGSS is a set of performance expectations (PEs) that act as learning goals for what students should be able to do or understand by the end of the year or grade-band. The NGSS makes connections to subject areas in the school curricula that are not directly science-related (e.g., language arts, mathematics, social studies, etc).
A convergence of disciplinary practices that impact these subject areas (CCSS for ELA, mathematics, and the NGSS) strengthens science learning for all students (particularly for students who have traditionally been underserved) and offers multiple entry points to build and deepen understanding for these students. In particular, integrating the disciplinary practices for CCSS ELA and NGSS is particularly beneficial to learners. As the National Research Council explains (2014):
"[Embedding] science and literacy together can provide students with meaningful content as they learn to develop the tools for literacy. ... Gaining in word knowledge means gaining in conceptual knowledge, particularly when paired with using these words in authentic applications. Pearson described many ways to learn new concepts, with new vocabulary as the natural by-product. Learning words in context using repeated experiences and multiple modalities simultaneously builds language skills and conceptual knowledge."
In this activity, read the PE below and suggest how reading and writing can be incorporated.
- Code: MS-PS1-6 (
- Grade Level: 6th Grade
- Science Domain: Physical Science
- Expectation: Undertake a design project to construct, test, and modify a device that either releases or absorbs thermal energy by chemical processes.
Provide at least two suggestions for how reading and writing can be incorporated into the PE. Make sure that the suggestions are appropriate for the grade level indicated.
Provide a URL to or photo of at least two nonfiction reading books that can be used to extend the PE to incorporate reading and writing. Make sure that the suggestions are appropriate for the grade level indicated.
Performance Expectation (PE) Definition
What are NGSS Performance Expectations?
CCSS English Language Arts Standards
Appendix D - "All Standards, All Students”: Making the Next Generation Science Standards Accessible to All Students
Literacy for Science: Exploring the Intersection of the Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core for ELA Standards: A Workshop Summary
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