Intro to 3 Dimensional Learning
Learning Activity
Three-dimensional learning refers to the three pillars that underpin NGSS standards (a.k.a, performance expectations):
- Practices (Science & Engineering Practices) - What students can do (i.e., skills)
- Core Ideas (Disciplinary Core Ideas) - What students know (i.e., content knowledge);
- Crosscutting (Crosscutting Concepts) - How students think (i.e., ability to perceive key information and make connections)
Developing 3-dimensional lessons and units aligned to NGSS standards "allow students to actively engage with the practices and apply the crosscutting concepts to deepen their understanding of core ideas across science disciplines" (Next Generation Science Standards). This type of learning involves activities that develop students' problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration, and management skills and apply what they've learned to other situations.
Explore the links in the Resources section to learn more about 3-dimensional learning.
NGSS: Three-Dimensional Learning and Assessment
NGSS EQuIP Rubric: 3-Dimensional Learning
Three-Dimensional Instruction: Using a new type of teaching in the science classroom
A visual representation of three-dimensional learning: A tool for evaluating curriculum
NGSS Lesson Screener: A Quick Look at Potential NGSS Lesson Design
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