8 SEPs - See Think Wonder
Learning Activity
"See, Think, Wonder" is an instructional strategy to promote student inquiry in the classroom. This thinking routine is a tool can be used repeatedly in the classroom to encourage students to make careful observations and thoughtful interpretations about something interesting by using the three stems "I see…, I think…, I wonder …. " (Harvard Project Zero).
Select one of the lessons listed in the Resources section. As you review or explore your chosen lesson, keep the "See, Think, Wonder" routine in mind then come back to reflect on what you saw, what you thought, and what you wondered.
See Think Wonder - A routine for exploring works of art and other interesting things
Create a Better Lesson account to access the free resources below:
Developing and Using Models (SEP2): Modeling Neurotransmission
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations (SEP3): Evaporative Cooler
Analyzing and Interpreting Data (SEP4): How Do Scientists Observe, Record, and Describe?
Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking (SEP5): Momentum
Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions (SEP6): What is the future of Earth's climate?
Engaging in Argument from Evidence (SEP7): Is there life in space?
Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information (SEP8): Meiosis
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