NGSS / Science

NGSS / Science

388 Learners | 3333 Completed Lessons | 920 Hours of Learning Time

Discover a New World of Science Education with NGSS

Science education is undergoing an exciting transformation with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). These standards take learning to the next level by incorporating three dimensions that empower students and educators alike. 

The first dimension encompasses the eight Science and Engineering Practices that allow students to engage in the actual work of scientists and engineers. From asking questions and defining problems to analyzing data and constructing solutions, students actively participate just as STEM professionals do. The hands-on nature makes science come alive.

The second dimension includes seven Crosscutting Concepts that reveal the interconnected nature of scientific disciplines. Students make connections between biology, physics, engineering, and more through concepts like Cause and Effect, Energy and Matter, and Stability and Change. These ties help students develop a unified understanding of the natural world.

The third dimension contains the Disciplinary Core Ideas of Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, Earth and Space Sciences, and Engineering. With a logical progression of essential concepts across all grade levels, students systematically build their science knowledge year after year.  

Together, these three dimensions form the foundation of the NGSS standards. They intertwine scientific and engineering practices, concepts, and content into a multi-faceted learning experience for K-12 students. Instead of just memorizing facts, students engage in the actual process of DOING science.

The NGSS standards create more equitable, active, rigorous, and coherent science education for all. Transform your science instruction today!

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